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“A Family Divided”, Book Four From North to South Series

by Ronda Wicks Eller    ISBN: 978-1-9990964-3-4, SkyWing Press

ADULT RATED - no longer available - 274 pgs., glossy, colour 6" x 9" softcover

GENERAL AUDIENCE -  Romance, Family Drama, Historic Fiction - Release TBA

approximately 237 pages, glossy, colour 6" x 9" softcover

BOOK FIVE hasn't been written yet but the story line has been framed and its writing will begin soon. It'll behere before you know it!

"This is the priest all shaven and shorn..." are words to a song Adam Bell sings at the start of a long overdue reunion. Indeed, it reflects the nature of his most recent character incarnation but trouble is heading home to roost - the worst yet. His family complex has been welcomed back into the greater fold only to discover a real danger lurks outside it, or is it inside?


Action revs and nerves become frayed when Adam and his fiancee get entangled with government spies, mercenaries, dirty lawyers and long lost friends in an effort to rescue the whole family from entrapment while spiritual and ethical questions are factored in. As the sins of the parents play out in the lives of their children, can anything avert the threat of pending disaster?


If you ever asked "why me?" or wondered if you were the scapegoat for someone else's misadventures, you'll understand the family's embedded frustration peppered by essential comic relief as Hannah Thornton warns "There will be harm regardless" and  Uncle Roger Beresford rallies "I'm the dog that worried the cat that lived in the house that Jack built"! 

Sneak Peek

excerpted from

Chapter 23. Mighty Fine De-Flea Treatment

(Some names have been replaced with underlines because, you know, no spoilers allowed)

         Mathew’s face was scrutinizing, thinking Adam might be dealing a little too harshly with Uncle John.
         “Go ahead Adam! Show me the scurvy you think I'm too blind to see.” The sound in Uncle John's voice carried a hint of angry defiance but it was also laced with anxiety, pain and frustration. Adam wanted to soften his approach but didn't believe he could – not quite yet anyway.
         “When did ___  leave for Charleston Uncle John?”
         “I don’t remember. Why?”
         “I think you do... but never mind. The package with the jewels and medals that were found - what year were they stolen?” 
         “I’d have to look it up. I told you I had the reports if you needed them for validation.”
         “I know that but I don’t need them. Let me give you the dates I uncovered: ___ left for Charleston in 1816. The theft occurred in 1818. ___ left for Charleston in 1818, after the theft took place. ___ didn't steal anything - he wasn't here.”
         “Are you implying _____ stole from his own father?” Uncle John decried indignantly.
         “No Uncle, I’m not implying - I’m telling you outright. In likelihood, you couldn't accept that it was his doing at the time and as the event faded in detail over the years it became an easy avoidance. When the items turned up that hinted at ____’s involvement, you seized opportunity to blame him instead  and obviate that vague, old suspicion of ____. You needn't reply but bear it in mind as I move to another thread of the entanglement now: Who recommended the coachman that was supposed to be my protector, not assailant, at Bramblewood? It was ____ ____ wasn't it?”
         “He has an associate that trains security staff. I've hired other menservants through him too but Son, let me assure you again, he is not your enemy.” 
         “You said it yourself Uncle John: _____  acts more like a weasel than a coon. Don’t forget that as I continue. Who suggested you place the manure pile by the rear entrance? Was it your idea or ____’s?”
         “Someone was digging there at night for no reason I could determine. Adam, what in the name of St. Jude does a manure pile have to do with anything but shit?” Uncle John was becoming irritated. “Why would you think ____ had an involvement in that?”
         “Oh, he didn't?” Adam countered with a raised brow.
        “Yes, he did, but not until I mentioned the curiosity of the digging incidents in the midst of casual conversation.”
         “Casual conversation? You believe a man who isn't one of superfluous words makes casual conversations without a purpose? No Uncle John, you and I both know that a weasel does that only when there’s something to gain by it!” 
         Mathew’s expression became one of rumination. While following Adam’s confrontation he couldn't help notice his different demeanour. Adam was honed, sharp as an arrowhead, stronger in an aggressive way, more self-confident than he’d impressed on others in perhaps decades and he mulled over the possible factors effecting what seemed like a sudden upsurge in adrenalin and testosterone. It could be ... [spoilers removed]... Of course the need to protect one’s own can also bring that out in a dominant male. There were so many possible factors that it would be hard to choose just one but one thing was certain: most of the other family members wouldn't know how to deal with this new evolution of  Adam and he’d have to help smooth their transition in some way. Adam was speaking when Mathew’s thoughts returned to the active conversation: 
         “Everything ____ stole was buried in the ground right there in 1818 but he couldn't take the loot to sell in Charleston when constables and detectives converged on the place. That jewelry and those medals were dug from that ground and here’s what else I know: they weren't half of what was stolen but for some reason you chose not to offer that information when I returned them in good faith! This is not a conversation I want to have but since it must happen, I bid you consider which one of us was more upright that day.”
         “Yes Son, I didn't say everything about the theft but we were with other company and the lot of it was considered lost so many years ago. I don’t doubt you’re upright in every intention but to infer that ____ was the culprit… no, I cannot accept that,” Uncle John averred. Adam bent down in front of his wheeled chair to be at eye level.
         “What else was taken Uncle John?" he asked in a menacing way. " What is it you were worried others might find by digging? Why didn't you have that area fully dug to recover anything missed? ____  didn't want to face you. Why? Not because you might give him a whipping, he was a grown man. There are secrets you kept buried in the ground or were, at least, hoping were still there and you refuse to own up to that but you ought to ask yourself why ____  was eager to help. Well so be it, I’ll assume that’s your private business for now… but suppose I showed you a letter from ____, in which she muses about the timeliness of that theft and ____’s departure. You always respected her for her insightfulness. She was a keen and kindly woman who would never disgrace herself with wanton suppositions so think carefully… because if such a letter is used to clear ___ of murder, there will be pressure to dig for evidence and this is the perfect climate for doing that right now.”
         “You could not have such a letter Adam. What game are you playing? Where would you have found something of the kind? ”

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