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Books Out-of-Print

What would you say if you read here that a copy of one these is worth hundreds of $$ now.

Oh, you're laughing? Well alright, just stop that, lol.

My Harmonic Perfection and Whale Songs in the Aurora Borealis can be read on-line through the links provided with them. You can also watch and listen as Ronda reads My Harmonic Perfection. Whale Songs, the first 'Yeatsian' one, has author notes with it that you can access. A few of the poem notes are missing but if Ronda ever finds time she will fill those in for interested readers too.

"The Lion and the Golden Calf" is out of print.

A VERY FEW author copies (less than a dozen) are available for $10 + $4 S&H CAD by ordering here:

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This 84 page, glued-spine trade book, published by SkyWing Press, Clinton, ON, 2008 demonstrates Ronda's skill as a modern formalist writer, employing a wide variety of formats to express expansive life themes common to all. From jubilant heights to contemplative depths of thought and mood this book is unequivocally a soul journey all its own.

ISBN-13 987-0-9809335-0-5

Check the REVIEWS section to read what others had to say about it!

Sample poems from this book are in the SAMPLE POEMS section.


This 48 page, saddle-stitched book by HMS Press, London, ON, 2005 contains 45 pages of poetry. ISBN 1-55253-060-4

From the Dedication:

"This collection is primarily dedicated to the memory of William Butler Yeats, in whose style and basic themes it has been derived, and to the memory of my late husband David A. Eller. It is also dedicated to my Yeatsian friends (whose regular discussion and commentaries have added kindling to the flame) and to my own Yeatsian heritage."

Check out the excellent Reviews

and the

Author Notes for the poems in this collection.


Ronda's first chapbook of poetry, published by HMS Press, London, Ontario in 1995.

Read it here:  My Harmonic Perfection on Youtube


Watch and listen to Ronda reading it HERE

No reviews were ever done for this collection.

© 2016 by Webmaster. Last update: November 2023

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