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Book Cover Designs

A sampling of book covers Ronda has designed layouts for.

Contact Ronda for a quote using the top link on this page if you have a special need for this service.


Covers above that were made using others' photographs or artwork are:

My Galaxy, Moods of Blue, Infinite Passages, Taking a Dip in the Poetry Pool, Cold Fire, By The Wishing Tree, Love Lies Bleeding, The Long Pull, Look At Me, Phantom Parade, Painting the Eye, The Alchemy of Tears.


Images that were modified or merged with others using graphics in the public domain: The Pandemic Poems, The World Around Us, The Celebration of Poetry 20th Anniversary Anthology, Hoofprints on the Moon, Ashram of Love, Spring Peepers, Executive Suite, Provoked By Places, Across the Universe, Love Addiction, Translating the Cosmos.


Original photographs or artwork by Ronda Wicks were used for Roll Call - Days of War Anthology, Field; haiku and senryu, Whale Songs in the Aurora Borealis, Creative Misinterpretations, The Lion and the Golden Calf,  The Ultra Best Short Verse, Salmagundi.

ALL book covers are copyright protected by their respective publishers.

© 2016 by Webmaster. Last update: November 2023

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